Wednesday, June 24, 2009

what a day!

Gillenia (Porteranthus) stipulata so willowy swaying softly in the breeze

Lavandula dentata candicans, spanish grey lavender with its little forget me not flowers and whorling petals puffing out from the top planted in a pot on the front porch

French breakfast radish harvested from the raised beds, washed with the greens left on for easy dipping in sea salt

Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot cream' flush with blooms now done for the season.

what an absolutely stunning day it is here...


Wren said...

Those breakfast radishes look wonderful. I planted 'Pink Beauty' radishes this year and they are wonderful! PInk and perfect!

donna said...

Your digitalis purpea 'Camelot cream flush' is out of this world beautiful. Please pass the sea salt, the French breakfast radishes are calling to me.

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