I’m not a good do it all person, definitely not a type A, if there’s a type Z I think I’m it. I mean I get things done, mostly, not without help, usually just in the nick of time. I like to putter, usually under the pretence that I’m actually accomplishing something. I would rather nap, that’s the Zzzz part, but usually I feel guilty so don’t. I don’t think Coal feels guilty, I’m sure he doesn’t always want to nap but seems to embrace it if he must.
He’s definitely a type A when the leash is pulled out, around his flying squirrel frisbee, and hunting down flies in the house, if he hears a buzz, he won't even eat (yes he is a lab), must get the buzz. Not sure if I have type A ‘things’, I definitely need more type A things... probably, well one would be good. I am sure the husband would put grocery shopping on my type A list. I seem to be particular about the amount of fruit and veggies we eat, writing here though it only sounds motherish, not type A. Sometimes, I wish I was more type A about like oh, career advancement, money or gosh darn it at least about what I profess to LOVE! But boy oh boy, there’s that relaxing and dreaming to do.
Coal needs to have a good ‘squeak’ with his squeaker toy every so often too, not sure if this is a type A characteristic or because his little peanut is left of centre… crazy little creatures. I am sure many dog owners know the popularity of the ‘squeak’ with dogs. I can see all the heads tipping to one side wondering where that glorious noise came from, love it. The husband and I revel in the simple joy he gets from a good squeak session; he’ll just lie in his bed squeak, squeak, squeaking away, when you look at him, he’ll look back and thump his tail, happy as can be, nutty guy. He used to tear out the squeaker with a type A focus, lucky if that 10$ toy lasted an hour, but this last little character we got him, well he just wants to plain’ol squeak it, not all the time just sometimes. We often get sucked into that joyful moment, when it happens, laughing wondering ‘what the heck does he get out of that?’ Grabbing, it squeaking it ourselves, it does feel good, then he's off to have a nap. Yes, back to the nap ….but I think I need to think about what's in that 'squeak' a little more.
He’s definitely a type A when the leash is pulled out, around his flying squirrel frisbee, and hunting down flies in the house, if he hears a buzz, he won't even eat (yes he is a lab), must get the buzz. Not sure if I have type A ‘things’, I definitely need more type A things... probably, well one would be good. I am sure the husband would put grocery shopping on my type A list. I seem to be particular about the amount of fruit and veggies we eat, writing here though it only sounds motherish, not type A. Sometimes, I wish I was more type A about like oh, career advancement, money or gosh darn it at least about what I profess to LOVE! But boy oh boy, there’s that relaxing and dreaming to do.
Coal needs to have a good ‘squeak’ with his squeaker toy every so often too, not sure if this is a type A characteristic or because his little peanut is left of centre… crazy little creatures. I am sure many dog owners know the popularity of the ‘squeak’ with dogs. I can see all the heads tipping to one side wondering where that glorious noise came from, love it. The husband and I revel in the simple joy he gets from a good squeak session; he’ll just lie in his bed squeak, squeak, squeaking away, when you look at him, he’ll look back and thump his tail, happy as can be, nutty guy. He used to tear out the squeaker with a type A focus, lucky if that 10$ toy lasted an hour, but this last little character we got him, well he just wants to plain’ol squeak it, not all the time just sometimes. We often get sucked into that joyful moment, when it happens, laughing wondering ‘what the heck does he get out of that?’ Grabbing, it squeaking it ourselves, it does feel good, then he's off to have a nap. Yes, back to the nap ….but I think I need to think about what's in that 'squeak' a little more.
the 'squeaker'...
I think you have more Type A than you think...but the good parts of Type A...not the over-the-top, in your face Type A parts. :)
Ah, to be a dog! The only thing I wouldn't like about being a dog is having to wait for someone to let me out when I needed to go.
I am SO with you--I could definitely be more "Type A" on matter like career advancement, etc.!
By the way, enquiring minds want to know what this magic toy is that had its squeaker spared. My Coco (half Lab) has conducted "Search and Destroy" squeaker missions on each and every squeaker that I've brought home. (And she's terribly efficient! lol.) So if there's even a chance of one surviving, I must know where to get it to test it out on the Cocomonster. :)
the squeaker is revealed, added the picture!
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